Tuesday 8 November 2011

The holidays are coming...

I hate winter!

I hate, I hate, I hate, I hate winter!!

It's dark and cold and miserable and depressing and the people you meet are similar to the weather, cold wet and depressing!

The mornings are dark and the nights are longer, days out are a thing of the past and staying in shivering because nobody can afford to put the heating on unless you have just won the lottery is the future. Huff.

I hate staying inside, I don't mind it for a day or so but 2 or 3 days is my limit for going insane and cabin fever kicks in and I have to get out, even if it's just for a 20 minute walk to get a little bit of sanity.

But there is one good thing about winter, the one and only good thing about winter! And that is CHRISTMAS! Yeyy! Yeyy! Yeeyyy! I am still very much a child when it comes to Christmas I still get excited and totally over the top, but I love it and I feel sorry for people that don't.

Don't get me wrong jetting off somewhere exotic sounds like a fab way to spend the holidays, I've done it before and had an amazing time! But nothing beats being around the people you love stuffing your face with turkey and chocolates, watching Christmas movies in the warm while its blowing a gale outside, snuggling up and having a laugh and enjoying each others company. With sparkling fairy lights and warming smells of hot mince pies and Christmas cake surrounded by giggling children and family banter.

I genuinely love it! And I'm going to love it even more this year as it's Bambino's first Christmas... I have already brought his presents! (which is totally unlike me I usually leave buying presents until the week before Christmas) But that is how excited I am. He is going to get spoilt rotten and probably not have a clue what is going on because he will only be 8 months, and next year will probably be even more exciting because he will start to understand the magic of it!

It is officially Christmas for me when I see the cocoa cola advert! That is when I start the count down, Those of you that cringe when you see it, well you just don't get it! Yes its all very commercialised now, but it's how we have made it, you don't have to have it that way if you choose!

If you look at these photos and still dread it... Well then bah humbug to you!

Mummy & Bambino <3

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