One day in early August... Forgive me for forgetting the date, I impatiently watched a little white stick with it's stupid egg timer going round and round for what felt like an hour but realistically was about 10 seconds. And there it was PREGNANT, in big bold lettering. I walked out of the bathroom and there stood my partner looking at me with curious eyes. We weren't planning it to happen this way. We had a 5 year plan, and we were only 2 years into it. I told him the news and we both just stared and the stick in shock/ surprise. Wow it was true, the tiny suspicion I had was true. But what to do now? I hadn't a clue.
9 months passed and my hormones had gone berserk! my attitude was up and down like a yoyo, my poor partner is all I can say. I was the size of a small African village and was so ready for it to happen! I was so worried of going over due, it was my fear, I don't think I would of been able to cope. So a week before my due date i had booked my induction date for two weeks and was ready!
The day before my due date it all began... I had all the signs, aching body, sharp pains and I knew it had begun. it was about 8.30pm so I ran myself a bath to relax and had a nice soak for about half an hour, got out and decided it was bearable enough to go to bed and get some rest before it got to bad. But no. I couldn't sleep of course I couldn't, I was too excited! From the moment I found out I was pregnant I wanted this moment so badly! So I made a camp bed on the living room floor so my partner could get some sleep, and started to watch "p.s. i love you." The pain was getting stronger and stronger so finally at 6.30am I went to hospital to find out I was merely 2cm dilated, huff! but I was admitted onto the ward anyway where I spent 12 hours to get to 3cm! Ridiculous! I thought and decided to go home to get some proper rest. Before I left the midwife swept the babies head and on the car journey home my contractions started coming thick and fast, I didn't want to go back so we went home and I ran another bath, within being home for half an hour I was on my way back to the hospital as my contractions were coming every 4 minutes. As soon as I arrived I had a suite waiting for me and then the real fun began, I was greeted by a really lovely midwife, who I screamed at for gas and air as she proceeded to tell me how glamorous I looked, well i certainly didn't feel glamorous as I had sweat pouring of my forehead. 3 hours - 2 gas canisters, half a shot of pethidine, 1 bath and a lot of wet flannels later, this gorgeous beautiful bundle of joy was laid on my chest and all i wanted to do was cry! But I didn't even have the energy for that, but he was so long and so beautiful and I was so honoured to have him in my life and I still am a very very lucky lady and proud mummy!
So at 11.27pm on his due date my babmbino arrived
<3 and made my life complete <3
So at 11.27pm on his due date my babmbino arrived
<3 and made my life complete <3