Friday 25 May 2012

Silver cross zest vouge a load of...

I recently reluctantly sold my iCandy, I loved this pushchair loads, it was lovely to push, comfy for Bambino and looked fab too, however according to reviews it was small and light but i found it didn't easily fit into boots of my friends car's and was a royal pain to fold! So as Bambino is bigger I felt it was necessary to splurge on a newer stroller, something more lightweight and easier to fold. After hours of research and reading reviews I decided upon the 'Silver Cross Zest Vouge' (slight mouthful!)
According to reviews it is easy to fold, has a reversible seat cover and easy to use rain wear... Well to be honest without sounding picky... It's rubbish!
It's a military operation to fold you have to pull, flick, yank and kick! Before you hear it click. Also the rain wear doesn't cover Bambino's feet! This pushchair is meant for children up to 4 years and he's 13 months! certainly won't last... Also it doesn't look very comfy either Bambino gets his little arms stuck between the sides and although the picture makes it look wide, it really isn't. The wheels rattle and all feels rather flimsy!
So off I go again on the never ending search for a reliable light weight stroller that matches all my fussy needs!
Anybody with any suggestions feel free to let me know!

Mummy & Bambino <3

Wednesday 9 May 2012

dream a dream

I keep having awful dreams, I keep dreaming really really nasty things... Sometimes I dream Bambino gets taken away from me and for the rest of the night I'm searching through forests and mountains trying to find him, other times I dream I'm getting married and I can feel myself going insane, I know this one sounds particularly strange, but my head hurts and I can feel myself spiralling out of control. I dream everybody I love dies. Mostly in my dreams I'm searching for something. Something I can never find. I'm lost and out of control...
I then carry these dreams with me for the rest of the day, I never usually remember my dreams for very long... But I can with these. They follow me around all day like a shadow towering over me and whenever I lose my keys or my phone and I'm looking for them the dreams reappear...

I'm sorry for the depressing post.

I just want to put them out there.

I don't want to be bogged down with them.

I had horrible dreams when I was pregnant, but I knew why, the hormones... They do crazy things to you!

But I'm not pregnant now.

So why can't I dream about unicorns and talking daisy's and rainbows and cute little friendly dolphins??
Damn you subconscious!

Phhew! That feels better...

I'm going to get myself a dream catcher. Not sure if I believe in them but it's worth a try right?

Wednesday 2 May 2012

growing up x

Appetite like his mumma!

But is the spite of his dada!

Broom Brooooom,
                                                                             watch out Bambino coming through!

First hair cut!

Mummy & Bambino (Being ducks) <3

Turning 1

I'm a awful blogger...

I knew it would turn into this.

Me forgetting to blog now and then... Then it just becomes awkward.

I've left it so long now it just feels weird...

I'm sorry.

No, I really am!

So much has happened, I feel like your an old friend I have awfully forgotten to call when I said I would, then when I do call there are awkward pauses, silences neither can fill.

Here goes...

Well you missed Bambino's birthday! Yes YOU missed it. It was his first as well.

My little bundle of soft skin, blood and little tuffs of hair turned one, wow! I genuinely find it hard to find the words to describe the year we have had. We had colic, acid reflux, smiles, giggles, finding fingers and toes, finding emotions happy and sad, he has learnt to say "mumma, dada, grandada, sausage, golly golly GOSH, yeah, hiya" all at the wrong times... What a year...

He walks too! Not unaided but he very much gets around the house, he finds his way from the front room to the kitchen and from his bedroom to the bathroom, Jesh! 365 days can really change a person!

God he's a looker!

Happy Birthday baby boy. I love you more than words can describe.

Mummy & Bambino <3