Wednesday 9 May 2012

dream a dream

I keep having awful dreams, I keep dreaming really really nasty things... Sometimes I dream Bambino gets taken away from me and for the rest of the night I'm searching through forests and mountains trying to find him, other times I dream I'm getting married and I can feel myself going insane, I know this one sounds particularly strange, but my head hurts and I can feel myself spiralling out of control. I dream everybody I love dies. Mostly in my dreams I'm searching for something. Something I can never find. I'm lost and out of control...
I then carry these dreams with me for the rest of the day, I never usually remember my dreams for very long... But I can with these. They follow me around all day like a shadow towering over me and whenever I lose my keys or my phone and I'm looking for them the dreams reappear...

I'm sorry for the depressing post.

I just want to put them out there.

I don't want to be bogged down with them.

I had horrible dreams when I was pregnant, but I knew why, the hormones... They do crazy things to you!

But I'm not pregnant now.

So why can't I dream about unicorns and talking daisy's and rainbows and cute little friendly dolphins??
Damn you subconscious!

Phhew! That feels better...

I'm going to get myself a dream catcher. Not sure if I believe in them but it's worth a try right?

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