Monday 14 November 2011

Burnt Tounge and a Melted Heart

Things that have happened since I last blogged:

I found out cayenne chilli powder is not the same as cayenne powder. In a disastrous attempt at making Christmas relish. After buying all the ingredients and spending hours in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove, imagining my family's happy faces as they taste my homemade wonder, and being pleasantly surprised at how clever I am. 
Then I dipped my finger in it to test, and almost blew my brains out! So it ended up on the bin...

Bambino has started to pick up on some new characteristics like punching you and laughing, yanking your lip and laughing, throwing his porridge up the wall (and laughing) and splashing in the bath, but not just splashing... More like trying to cause a tidal wave (But that is actually quite cute!) I am now completely dreading him growing into a toddler and growing out of control! I think I may ask for super nanny's autobiography for Christmas?

Also I finally received my iPhone!! I have a 2 year contract and when I was 5 months pregnant (I am totally blaming baby brain for this!) I dropped my iPhone down the toilet! For the past year I have had a replacement phone. But oooo how I've missed it! I've missed downloading useless apps that cost nothing. Mean nothing. Do nothing. (I may see if they have an app for Christmas relishes?)
I've missed having social networking and online shopping at my fingertips! I have also discovered the wonders of twitter...
Now like most things when people rave about how brilliant something is, it puts me off. People have been going on about how great twitter is for years so after a brief attept in 2009 i stayed away.
But I finally decided to dip my over-sized big toe in the water and liked it! So now I am offically a tweeter! (I'm not entirely sure if that is a word... Still not down with the slang!) It's just like Facebook but you can stalk pretty much whoever you want and they have no choice in the matter! I am now following the entire cast of 'Made in Chelsea'  and constantly bugging them to say hi to me. Yes I know it sounds lame, but is highly addictive! I'm sure there probably is more to it than that, but I haven't figered it out yet.

I have also captured a few shots over the weekend of the Bambino to share with you all (on my new iphone of course!)

And finally there is 4 sleeps and 1 nap until the big night!! Oh-Yes girls you know what I'm talking about!


Friday the 18th at midnight, I'll be there, at the first showing of the Twilight saga-Breaking Dawn... Call me sad if you will, I don't mind There isn't many things I really get into (Other than Made In Chelsea, have I already mentioned them today?) But Mr Edward Cullen is one of them! And I am now officially on the count down and bet your bottom dollar there will be a blog about it on Saturday!
Melts My Heart...Get a grip!

Mummy & Bambino <3

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