Thursday 17 November 2011

Home Alone

The Fiance has left me...No not completely left me. Just left me to go away for 1 night for a managers course. Nobody else thinks this is a big deal, and really it isn't. But in the past 3 years I can only remember one occasion when we didn't sleep in the same bed together, sad? Probably!

I used to be the kind of person that loved being alone, not in a freakish sort of way but I loved my own company I didn't need to be entertained, I would be more than happy to be my myself. Now however I can't think of anything worse. Now that is sad!

So he went last night (well I wasn't going to tell you it is tonight am I!? I might get murdered in my sleep by some strange blog stalker, ha ha! I wish nobody even reads my blog let alone stalks me!) So he left yesterday morning and is home this evening. So for the evening whilst he was away my cousin came round and stayed the night. It was really lovely! We chatted had a takeaway and chatted some more! We chatted so much that I completely forgot I had a bottle of wine in the fridge until we got into bed. We talked about growing up together and memories we have of each other which are frankly HILARIOUS!

Today is Thursday and I don't know whether you picked up on my previous blog blunder but I thought I was seeing Breaking Dawn Friday night but it's not it's blinking tonight! So today me and Bambino are spending the day in our pajamas lounging around and napping whenever napping is avaliable, because it is tonight I will be getting the train to the city and watching MY Edward Cullen on the big screen at midnight!

However usually I go to bed at about 10 because I very much need my beauty sleep. Some people can live on a few hours sleep and be right as rain the next day and cherpy. I however look like something out of the rising dead and am grumpy all day if I don't get enough shut eye. So swimming at 10.15 tomorrow morning should be... Interesting.

Wish us luck tomorrow, I have a feeling I'm gonna need it.

Mummy & Bambino <3

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