Saturday 19 November 2011

Heels or no heels? Red lipstick or no red lipstick? Push up bra or t-shirt bra? 

Bloody hell anyone would be thinking I was going out for a night on the tiles, not going to sit in a pitch black room with a bunch of other vampire loving losers!

I ended up in flats a t-shirt and pink lipstick (if you were wondering!) Pink lipstick was essential because I was going for a drink first and a girl can't sip a glass of wine without a bit of colour on her lips! FACT!

Yes... If you haven't already guessed I'm talking about Thursday night... The night I have been waiting for for months, my date with Breaking Dawn (My heart flutters just thinking about it!)

It was amazing it was everything I expected and more. It was, beautiful, romantic, passionate, sexy, skin tingling! And that was just the sex scenes. I loved it that much I'm taking the Fiance to go see it tonight night. God I'm truly obsessed.

Yesterday however I felt the pain of going to a midnight showing and only having 4 hours sleep before the Bambino woke up and wanted entertaining all day! The days of me rolling in at 3am and being able to spend the next day watching TV, sleeping and eating junk are behind me...

But to be fair neither of us got dressed all day! we both smelt and had a few naps and it was lovely.

So as I mentioned me and the Fiance are having a "Date Night" Tonight. A night all to ourselves, we try and have a night to ourselves once a month but we usually go out partt-ay-ing! and end up passed out up the bar (Just me!) but not tonight oh-no! So we are shipping Bambino off to Nanny and Grandads for the night and going to enjoy some time in each others company.

Mummy & Bambino <3

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