Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Wowsers welcome in 2012!

I would like to say a huge thank you to Mel @ Adventures of Mummy, Daddy and Finn For giving me this award (Please check out her blog! Tis amazeballs!), and all you beautiful bloggers that read my blog, I would also like to Thank my Bambino for being so god damn amazing and my dad...

Okay I'm not at the Oscars, but it's still pretty fricking cool! I never get awards... EVER, for anything! So I am very proud of my Versatile Blogger Award!

Rules-You have to thank the person that gave you the award and a link back to their blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself
Send the award on to 15 others bloggers who's blogs that you appreciate and then let them know that they have been given the award.
Seven Facts-
I keep trying to diet, and I keep failing miserably!
I love chocolate (mainly the reason i keep failing)
I live by the sea side
I am engaged to a beautiful, funny attractive man
I can't drink vodka because it makes me aggressive
I only recently realised my eyes are green
I am genuinely addicted to Made In Chelsea and am currently counting down the days until the next season!
I would like to pass the award onto-
Please Please Please check out these Blogs they are all Brilliant!
Mummy & Bambino <3


  1. Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me. I'm curious, what colour did you used to think your eyes were? :) x

  2. Thank you! Your very welcome, I enjoy reading your blog.
    Well I always believed they were hazel but people always say there green, so that is what I'm going with haha! X
