Wednesday 7 December 2011

Saving money ideas

There is no get quick rich secret I haven't been informed of is there??

Because doing Avon certainly isn't it, I started last Thursday and am giving up already, it was a stupid idea anyway but I didn't realise how time consuming it would be. You have to go and hand out 150 catalogues then go pick them up (And nobody is every in, and nobody leaves the books outside! And I'm not going round at night to collect them! I have better things to do) then hand them back out again, pfft! I would rather spend my days inside in the warm playing with bambino! Plus you make no money! I don't understand why people do it!

So I have decided to write a top five list of ways to save money, according to me and Bambino:
1.Don't put the heating on, it will cost you your life savings! just pop on a woolly hat some jumpers and a pair of gloves and snuggle up all day. This is how me and Bambino are planning to spend the winter.

2.Don't buy new underwear. It's not necessary, I have been with the Fiance for a while and feel perfectly comfortable wearing underwear that is grey and holy. If you buy new underwear you may feel attractive and that's not good, because your partner may also find you attractive and want hanky panky (however may be a good way of keeping warm as your not putting the heating on, but you could end up with another mouth to feed and in the long run will cost you even more money!)

3. Bunnies. They are cute, adorable and worth money! Buy two, breed them, then you will have lots of bunnies! Be sure not to show them to the Bambinos though because children could get attached and this is not good! "Mummy where's buggs and Thumper?" I don't know about you but I couldn't have that on my conscience. This could also work with puppies and kittens too!

4.Homemade cards. Clinton's charge an arm and a leg for a card, simply start up your own sweatshop! Get lots of paper, paints, glue, glitter (All widely available very cheap!) and get your bambino's to get creative! Then send them to family and friends as Christmas and Birthday cards! Genius!

5. New toys are also over-rated! Who needs Thomas the Tank engine trains and Waybuloo dolls? Bambino is more than happy sitting on the floor with pots and pans and the bread bin lid with a wooden spoon making a racket! Which is fine by me, as for Christmas I will get new pots and pans for Bambino and every ones happy! Universal gifts.

To be honest I'm surprised I'm not minted by now!

Mummy & Bambino <3

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